Email Spider

Professional targeted email address search and extract software. It has powerful ability to search and spider web from a starting-point such as search engine, any web url or any CGI page to extract email addresses.

Rapid and Automatic
  • Fast, multi-threaded application allows up to 500 simultaneous email extraction threads.
  • Easy to set up and operate
Flexible - Spider from any specified start web address (URL) or any search engine. You aslo can specify the spider level.
Efficiency- Only extract the email addresses related to your business. Support Target Keywords Boolean : and, or and not
Complete - Both Email and URL are extracted.
Intelligent - a targeted, professional email extraction tool.
  • Extract any style email addresses, not just "mailto" addresses
  • Automatically remove duplicate URL addresses to avoid redundant searches
  • Automatically remove duplicate email addresses
Compatible - Integrated with 88 top search engines and directories like Google, Yahoo, Altavista, webcrawler, Hotbot, AOL and MSN.
Universal - Searches nearly any WWW URL, including search engines, usenet newsgroups, BBS, trade message boards, even those generated on-the-fly by dynamic CGI, PHP, ASP, etc. Also can spider all urls that you have collected before.

  • Specify the maximum extraction depth level relative to starting URL
  • Define the search range to a domain or sub domain, Exclude domains or initiate "no limit" searches.
  • Exclude URLs that you don't want to search such as advertisements
  • Exclude email addresses that you don't want to extract such as (webmaster@, abuse@, spam@, complaint@)
Support OS: Windows98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista.
